Chef Knife Set

Cooking requires proper tools. Having sharp knives is a must for timely and accurate food preparation. The chef knife set is an indispensable tool for anyone who aspires to be a chef or has a passion for cooking.

There is no denying that the presentation of the food is as important as its taste. No one likes seeing an ugly dish on the dining table. However, there are certain basic tools that help the chef to attain this status. One of them is the knife set. It helps in accessing and cutting meat or vegetables properly, as per the desired shape.The chef knife set comprises of various shapes and sizes of kitchen knives, which assist in the preparation of good. It is not vital for anyone to buy the entire set together. You can also compile different qualities and varieties of knives like a few general-purpose ones. The most common knives found in these sets include a big-sized chef's knife, one smaller variation for paring and tough cleaver, which is ideally a bread knife for slicing items.There are a lot of specialized knives designed to suit specific tasks. Hence, these kitchen knives are made of different materials to serve their purposes. The experts believe that chef knife set for the beginners should ideally comprise of just three knives that have been mentioned above. However, if you are considering a professional course or planning to be more active in the kitchen, then a specialist set is a must.

The Typical Chef Knife Set

  • Cook's knife- Also called chef knife, this is a multipurpose knife that can be used for chopping bone.
  • Paring- This is a smaller part of the chef knife set and is used for peeling, removing seeds and garnish purposes.
  • Utility- As the name signifies this is basically in between the chefs and paring knife styles. It was initially a non-kitchen tool and over the years its importance has gone down. Most sets omit this knife.
  • Bread knife- The bread knife helps in cutting bread, without crushing the interiors. It helps to get even shapes of bread, which are neater and more attractive. These usually range from 15-25 cm.
  • Butter knife- The butter knife is used for spreads of all kinds, including butter. It is mostly used for table setting but is a key ingredient for chefs when using bread based products.
  • Meat knives- A professional chef knife set includes the meat knife, which helps in carving even the toughest of meats including roasts, poultry and hams.
  • Slicing- This knife is perfect for both plain and uneven edges. These are knives that help in meat separation too and help in serving fine or very thin slices, especially for formal dinners.
  • The ham slicer- The specialist ham slicer is available easily in most chef knife sets and helps in cutting ham in a more flexible way.
  • Cleaver- Used for meat cleaving, this is a must have for chefs as the restaurant does require for both exotic and regular kinds of meat. It helps in cutting with a swift movement.

Apart from this your typical chef knife set may include a Boning knife, Lobster splitter, or Fillet knives.

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